Saturday, March 28, 2020

Chemistry Tutor in Norwalk - Is it Right For You?

Chemistry Tutor in Norwalk - Is it Right For You?If you're in search of a private organic chemistry tutor in Norwalk, CT, you are not alone. You have probably stumbled across the advertisement 'Exciting Career Opportunities,' and maybe even in the back of the newspaper. But how can you find one that's right for you? How do you know if it's right for you? These questions are burning in your mind as you sit there on your computer looking at all the information you can find. Here are some hints and tips to help you find the best chemistry tutor possible.First of all, don't be scared to do an online search of your own, or just like the ads, do a Google search. There are plenty of websites that can help you get started.Also, don't ignore your local newspapers. Most newspapers have their own page that allows you to advertise your business on their pages.Finally, contact some of the tutors that have advertised on their websites. They might be able to help you. If you like their photos, you may want to interview them yourself and then contact them via email or phone.Once you've found the chemistry tutor for you, make sure that you find out how they see their role in this field. You want to make sure that you are compatible with them as this is an important aspect to your education.And finally, make sure that you think about what your future career goals are. You need to set aside time in your life to put in this studying. It's a lifestyle change and that can be difficult to adjust to but it needs to be done if you want to get your degree.So, if you're in Norwalk, CT, and are searching for a chemistry tutor, the tips above should help you out. Good luck!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Learning Language Through Music 3 Keys to Unlock Any Language

Learning Language Through Music 3 Keys to Unlock Any Language Learning Language Through Music: 3 Keys to Unlock Any Language What do Macarena, Gangnam Style and Lambada have in common?Besides being humongous hits, practically enshrining their artists in the hall of fame, each song just might be one of the most effective ambassadors of the language it represents.There’s just something about music, isn’t there?  Music’s not only universal, but it’s also ubiquitous and no one can escape it.Interestingly, just about the same things can be said for language.It follows naturally, then,  that music can be used as a key to  become fluent in a foreign language.How? Well look at the connection between the two entities, plus share three effective ways to use music as a  killer language learning strategy. So lets start with this special relationship between the two that makes learning language through music possible. The Connections Between Language and MusicIt was previously thought that language and music involved two distinct brain mechanisms. Speech functions were localized in the left brain hemisphere a nd language in the right. But advances in brain imaging technology have challenged that idea.It’s becoming clear that there’s a whole lot of overlap between the two. Studies have shown, for example, that musical training can improve the brain’s language learning abilities and vice versa. (Mozart himself spoke several tongues, including German, French and Italian.)Language and music are kindred spirits. Both have rhythm, tone, melody, pitch, volume and pauses.Just as one can differentiate music through these elements, a language can be defined by the same. They can both be learned through repeated exposure. They are so closely related that many scholars have begun considering the possibility that language is actually a subset of music.A language then can be considered, in essence, a group of people bellowing the same song. As language learners, we can definitely use this strong music-language connection to our benefit. Here are three ways to learn a language using music:Learnin g Language Through Music: 3 Keys to Unlock Any Language1. Music as a Memory Technique for Learning a New LanguageIf you were asked, “Hey, which letter comes before ‘R’?,” chances are youd find yourself singing the alphabet song just to make sure you didnt give the wrong answer and embarrass yourself to pieces.And you probably have memorized the multiplication tables with the help of a catchy jingle or beat, or perhaps used a tune to learn the phone number of your favorite fast food delivery joint.It’s long been known that music makes things memorable. Ask any kindergartener.Certain songs trigger a flood of memories, good or bad. It can make vivid the events that happened a long, long time ago. You hear “That’s What Friends Are For,” and suddenly it’s 1986.Because of music, we can memorize ungodly amounts of information without real effort. We just sing the data away. There’s just something about melody that burn information into our headsâ€"so much so that it get s annoying sometimes. You may still be singing your grocery list to the tune of “Call Me Maybe” weeks after you’ve done the shopping.Can you imagine how easy it would be to memorize a foreign sentence using a beloved nursery rhyme?Let’s say you need to memorize a sentence. How about the useful Spanish phrase “Un momento, por favor” (One moment, please). How do we exploit the memory-enhancing effect of music in this case?Easy. We code the target sentence to a catchy song or beat. A beloved nursery rhyme will often do the trick.Here are the steps:Count the number of syllables of your sentence.  In this case, Un momento, por favor has seven syllables.Find a song or a nursery rhyme with the same number of syllables. This step is the crucial one, so be sure to choose songs you’re really familiar with. For our example, the first line of the chorus from Do-Re-Mi fits perfectly: Doe a deer, a female deerNow swap the target phrase in place of the original lyrics, maintaining th e melody. So this time, you sing “Un mo-men-to por fa-vor” to the tune of “Do-Re-Mi.”Repeat as often as possible. This last step is another important one.  Youll find that it can sound a bit awkward at first. Don’t be discouraged and stick with it. Keep on singing until it stops being awkward. And when it stops being awkward, sing it around 30 more times.You will soon notice that the melody will lead you to the words. With enough repetitions, youll have burned the lyrics into your head for a lifetime.2. Music as a Mining Technique for Learning a New LanguageWe can also use music to mine foreign songs for their vocabulary.There are two advantages to this. First, as mentioned previously, the melody will serve as a memory hook. And second, using the songs of your target language presents you with vocabulary used in a specific context.Songs present a particular environment, a particular theme and a platform for learning the language. A love song, for example, will often contai n words that express longing, admiration, fondness, love, forbidden love, stars, eternity, etc. Its a whole vocabulary subset that deals with a certain field, a certain slice of life. (It’s like watching a cooking show in a foreign language. You know that the words streaming from the host’s mouth are food-related.)The Portuguese song Lambada, for example, is a song about past love. It talks about loss, pain and memory. True enough, youll find the words perder (lose), chorar (cry), dor (pain) and lembrar (remember) in the lyrics.One of the most common mistakes people make in learning a new language is memorizing vocabulary in a vacuum. That is, as a list, without examples, without context and without application. They spend countless sessions staring at a piece of paper containing two word columns: the English translation and the foreign words.This is not a good way to learn vocabulary. You might gloat and think youve memorized the words, but the problem is that theyre stored pre cariously in your short term memory, meaning the words won’t last very long. (A cold shower would easily wash the data away.)Here’s why: The brain is an “association machine.” It remembers new information by connecting it with items that are already in there. So the memories or facts you most easily remember are those connected to the greatest number of other bits of information. Still follow?Just remember that for you to retain the vocabulary and store it in your long-term memory, you have to creatively connect them with something else. For example, if you were trying to remember the Portuguese word “dor” (pain), imagine your hand getting banged by the door. What do you feel? Pain, right? That’s it.Here’s the pathway/connection:  Dor = hand getting slammed by the door = gut wrenching painI bet you’ll remember that!Songs create these kinds of opportunities for making connections, which is why theyre so memorable. People who cant remember their childrens birthdays c an easily memorize the lyrics to hundreds of songs.Aside from their memorable melodies, many songs have memorable stories in them as well. You simply have to follow the story and learn the vocabulary along the way.A perfect tool for learning languages in context with songs is FluentU.  FluentU takes real-world videos like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks, and turns them into language learning lessons.Every video is transcribed and translated by hand, and every word comes with an in-context definition, image and multiple example sentences. You can even click on a word to see how its used in other videos across the site.Using FluentU to learn songs via music videos will lift your language learning abilities through the roof!And if youre looking for some song recommendations or a place to start, we have awesome music guides and song suggestions for you here:Chinese: Modern karaoke classics  | Mandopop love songsFrench: Music guide  | Famous French singersGerman: M odern classics  | Classic songs  | German artistsJapanese: Modern karaoke classicsSpanish: Music guide3. Music as a Motivating and Mood-enhancing Technique for Learning a New LanguageGloria Estefan got it right.Soon enough, “The rhythm’s gonna get cha.”Music has this almost transcendental effect on the human body. It moves us and it can make us move. We nod along and tap our fingers and feet to the beat, and sometimes we even let out a dance or two.We close our eyes and we are transported to a different place. The pleasure centers in the brain light up while the music could be fostering positivity, lifting the spirit, lowering anxiety and releasing tension. Music invigorates, relaxes and calms. And when one is calm, ideas flow easily and greater learning is achieved.Music sets the tone in the room. Try this when you’re studying in your room: If you’re learning Italian, have Italian music blast in your ears. If you’re taking French, then have French in the background. If you’re studying Korean, well, maybe have something else besides Gangnam Style.You could also try putting on some instrumental music in the background; let the music take you to that place where creativity meets flow.Studies have shown that music can enhance the creativity of test subjects, even improving their reading and writing skills. With upbeat music, people are able to do things more efficiently. They stay on a task longer, they see it throughâ€"which is exactly the type of focus we need when learning a new language.Because here’s a basic truth about taming a language: It’s not easy.It’s not always fun and games, and can definitely be frustrating at times. Especially when you’re experiencing a plateau and you feel like your best efforts are leading nowhere.When your vocabulary’s out of whack and you realize that after three months of studying the language, you still don’t know the Chinese words for “How are you?, dont give up.Instead, try to get your bearings r ight.  Listen to music.Use music in any (or all) of these three waysâ€"to help you memorize, to learn vocabulary in context and to create a motivating study moodâ€"and you will see results.Learning a new language is one of the best items on a person’s bucket list. So when you feel short on motivation, when you feel like nobody really cares that you know the Japanese translation for “continuous improvement” (Keizoku-teki kaizen), I want you to hit that “Play” button.Listen to music.Let it heal your soul.Soon enough, the rhythm’s gonna get cha. Gloria had it right all along. And One More ThingIf you like learning through music, youll love using FluentU. FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that natives  speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse Screen.Flue ntU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover your mouse over the subtitles to instantly view definitions.Interactive transcript for Carlos Baute song.You can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs learn mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.Start using FluentU on the website  with your computer or tablet  or, better yet,  download the FluentU app from  the  iTunes  or  Google Play  store.

Tips From an Irvine Tutor Post Finals Burnout

Tips From an Irvine Tutor Post Finals Burnout Post Finals Burnout: How to Cope Students worked very hard the last couple of weeks in order to ace those final exams. Of course, students need a well-deserved break in order to recover from the massive amount of study and test prep they participated in at the end of his term. Unfortunately, teachers are under strict orders to continue with the curriculum and fill instructional minutes. So how can students cope with post finals burn out? 1. Have a Relaxing Weekend Because students probably spent the majority of the last 2 or 3 weekends studying, its important that they have a little bit of time to relax and see their friends now that their intense study sessions have ceased. Its also important to have plenty of time to sleep or just relax and participate in leisure activities. Students participating in long term community service may consider finding out if they can take a temporary break so that their brains and bodies can recover from finals (Read: Superfoods and Testing). 2. Use a Study Aid App Because many students minds are entirely burnt out after finals, using a great study aid app is a good way to stay on track. Students who use these apps will have an opportunity to keep track of how many hours they are spending on study, which subjects are a priority, and how much time they have until the next big assignment is due. Students who work with tutors or in a study group are advised to check upcoming deadlines and responsibilities so that they can help each other stay organized (READ: Tips From An Irvine English Tutor: eNotes). 3.  Get Some Exercise Many students spend countless hours sitting at the library, at a coffee shop, and at their computer desks in the weeks leading up to finals. Now that students have a little bit of free time, its important that they have a chance to get out and get some exercise. California in January is an absolutely beautiful place and a great opportunity for students to clear their minds of post finals burnout. 4. Work with a Tutor Students who work with a private tutor on a regular basis are encouraged to maintain their sessions and get organized for upcoming assignments. Even though finals are over, the academic wheels keep spinning and its important for students not to fall behind due to mental fatigue. Tutors dont have to take finals and so theyre generally not nearly as tired as their students, allowing them to carry on without undue fatigue. 5. Be Aware of Upcoming College Entrance Exams Even though finals are done for now, many students will be taking the SAT and ACT in February. Students who choose to take these exams at this point in the year are advised that they really won’t have more than a day or two to take a mental break. Students should utilize after school time and/or weekends in order to make sure that they are 100% caught up with any studies that fell by the wayside while they were studying for finals. Weather in a class or working with a private tutor, its important for students to achieve their highest possible score in February so that, hopefully, they wont have to take the test again in May or June. In Short Although many students are feeling incredibly tired at this point in the year, it’s important to take a short break and then re-prioritize study time. Juniors who are getting ready to go on college tours, take important standardized exams, and apply to college within the next few months should be especially mindful of the study to rest ratio. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about; our Orange County private tutors are full of right answers.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Making lessons too enjoyable can inhibit learning - Tutor Hunt Blog

Making lessons too enjoyable can inhibit learning Making lessons too enjoyable can inhibit learning, new report claims Making lessons too enjoyable can inhibit learning, new report claimsSchoolsWhen I was training to be a teacher back in the late 1980`s we were all told that we had to make lessons fun. Children learn through playing, so the new psychology said, and we had to incorporate playtime into the classroom. Make a game out of your teaching, and the kids won`t realise they are being taught! Make every class activity a fun activity! It now seems that this advice was lacking in any sound factual basis. The Centre for Education Economics (CfEE) has just published a report that states the old adage, that children have to be happy in order to learn, is not true. All those long years of making up funny stories, and drawing comical diagrams on the black board to teach algebra, I thought as I digested this revelation. The report, entitled `The achievement-wellbeing trade-off in education` makes a strong claim that old fashioned ways of teaching, while not being as enjoyable for the pupil, actually yield better results in the classroom. Some of these old fashioned techniques include `instruction,` where the teacher simply stands at the front of the classroom, delivering information, perhaps by reading a textbook, or working at the whiteboard. Another traditional technique has the rather daunting sounding name `drilling,` and relates to memorisation practices, with the pupils repeating words or phrases uttered by the teacher. The report makes it clear how important these methods of teaching are, explaining how they`re `crucial for successful learning` because they allow pupils to transfer information from their working memory to their long-term memory, while conceding they may be `neither fun nor inspiring.` When I was training to be a teacher the profession was starting to turn against such old fashioned methods: they were pejoratively classified as `teacher-centred,` and we were informed that this style of education was inefficient, and could even intimidate children. In the 1960`s and 1970`s a huge reactionary movement against this style of teaching had begun - the result being a more child-centred learning, which claimed a strong correlation between pupils` enjoyment and wellbeing and their learning potential. One feature of this new teaching technique was to suggest children learn from each other, to ask them to work in small groups, where they would be encouraged to discuss parts of the lesson, and express their opinions. Some of my colleagues joked that we were delegating the role of the teacher to the pupils themselves, but I could see the benefit of this particular method. Hearing children debate with their colleagues about what parts of the lesson meant to them showed that they were taking a personal stance towards the recently imparted knowledge, using their imagination and expressing what it meant to them. My opinion was that this could only help them remember and comprehend what they had just been taught. It also allowed them to learn at a pace that suited them, while making discoveries about the subject together, without my active intervention or assistance. The new study from The Centre for Education Economics however opposes this style of teaching, favouring instead the stricter `teacher-centred` method, which it claims produces better results in the classroom. Gabriel Heller-Sahlgren, a PhD student at the London School of Economics, and the author of the report has said, somewhat contentiously some might say, that the idea of pupils wellbeing going hand in hand with their achievement in schools is false, and that this erroneous correlation has become `deeply entrenched` in most schools. `It is still commonly believed that it is necessary to make learning `invigorating` for learning to take place at all? these progressive ideals regarding pupil enjoyment are an important reason why modern educationalists historically have supported pupil-centred teaching methods.` Even prior to the publication of this report there have been many prominent figures in the education sector who agreed with its contents. The former head of Ofsted Michael Wilshaw has said that child-centred learning is deeply flawed, and has damaged the education of generations of pupils. My own opinion is that there needs to be a balance between the two methods of teaching - I don`t believe it`s necessary for every lesson to be full of laughter and serenity, with various groups of children chattering amongst themselves discussing the teachings; but nor do I favour an overly strict authoritarian approach, where pupils may be too intimidated to ask for assistance. 15 months ago0Add a Comment

italki Team Language Challenge Week 3 Update

italki Team Language Challenge Week 3 Update The italki team is taking  the 2015 New Years Language Challenge How much Chinese can they learn in 20 hours? 3 members of the team at italki are taking the language challenge to improve their skill in Mandarin. Each of them will have 20 hours of lessons between January and February. Can you do better than them?  Check out their original Public Video Pledges that they made at the beginning of the Challenge here. Week 3 Updates Aimé, Intern Week 3 Sadly, I did not meet my goals for this week which was to be able to understand the question my teacher asks me. I  still have difficulty trying to understand what she is asking me even when it’s stuff that we’ve already went over.   I did get in 3 hours of lessons and I did however improve my pronunciation of the words and sentences I’ve already learned though! So 3 weeks in, I’m not as confident as I was before the challenge started.  Although I’ve learned a lot, its way harder than I thought and my listening skills are still terrible.  Chinese is really a tough language to learn.  Ive done some self-study but really realize I need to do more. Next week Im going to step up my game.  Im going to do some more self-study and also put in more hours.  I was able to sit down and give a quick update in the video above as well.   Go ahead and watch it above! Lastly, I just wanted to say my bets for next week are that Karthik will definitely NOT make his weekly goal! Josie, Services Week 3 This week was tough because I had a bad case of food poisoning and wasnt at work for two days!  I was barely able to sit up so studying Chinese was out of the question but  I was able to get 3 hours of lessons. What was even better was I was  I’ve cleaned up my notes and finally written my vocab words on flashcards. Makes it so much easier for me to revise during my lunch break! For this upcoming week my goal is to practice my vocab everyday and practice using the new words in sentences. My teacher Elena and I are going to review what I have learned so far in the next couple of sessions, so it’s important that I go over all of my cards! Im a bit scared about this upcoming week as well because this weekend I go to Hong Kong, so won’t take lessons then. I’m scared that I might fall behind! Honestly, I’m doubting myself at the moment! I still don’t feel 100% after my food poisoning and this weekend I know I won’t take lessons so I need to step up my game! Karthik, Data Scientist Week 3 This was a tough week for me as I week I was only able to do  1 hour.  I was hoping to put in some hours this weekend but we had to do server maintenance for most of that day and I really wanted to watch our engineering team in action.  I was able to really put in some time to work on my pronunciation and grammar so it wasnt a complete waste. I realize that I need to put in some more time for next week.  I hope to do 5-6 hours to make up for lost time.  Thus far, at this halfway point  I’ve only completed 5 hours. That’s pretty good for me, but I got to step up in order to finish. So, I need schedule more lessons. One thing that I do have going for me is that I still get to practice speaking occasionally with my co-workers  and  friends. The duration of this practice is typically less than 1 hour/week so that sort of counts, doesnt it?  Im going to kick some butt for week 4! italki Team Language Challenge Week 3 Update The italki team is taking  the 2015 New Years Language Challenge How much Chinese can they learn in 20 hours? 3 members of the team at italki are taking the language challenge to improve their skill in Mandarin. Each of them will have 20 hours of lessons between January and February. Can you do better than them?  Check out their original Public Video Pledges that they made at the beginning of the Challenge here. Week 3 Updates Aimé, Intern Week 3 Sadly, I did not meet my goals for this week which was to be able to understand the question my teacher asks me. I  still have difficulty trying to understand what she is asking me even when it’s stuff that we’ve already went over.   I did get in 3 hours of lessons and I did however improve my pronunciation of the words and sentences I’ve already learned though! So 3 weeks in, I’m not as confident as I was before the challenge started.  Although I’ve learned a lot, its way harder than I thought and my listening skills are still terrible.  Chinese is really a tough language to learn.  Ive done some self-study but really realize I need to do more. Next week Im going to step up my game.  Im going to do some more self-study and also put in more hours.  I was able to sit down and give a quick update in the video above as well.   Go ahead and watch it above! Lastly, I just wanted to say my bets for next week are that Karthik will definitely NOT make his weekly goal! Josie, Services Week 3 This week was tough because I had a bad case of food poisoning and wasnt at work for two days!  I was barely able to sit up so studying Chinese was out of the question but  I was able to get 3 hours of lessons. What was even better was I was  I’ve cleaned up my notes and finally written my vocab words on flashcards. Makes it so much easier for me to revise during my lunch break! For this upcoming week my goal is to practice my vocab everyday and practice using the new words in sentences. My teacher Elena and I are going to review what I have learned so far in the next couple of sessions, so it’s important that I go over all of my cards! Im a bit scared about this upcoming week as well because this weekend I go to Hong Kong, so won’t take lessons then. I’m scared that I might fall behind! Honestly, I’m doubting myself at the moment! I still don’t feel 100% after my food poisoning and this weekend I know I won’t take lessons so I need to step up my game! Karthik, Data Scientist Week 3 This was a tough week for me as I week I was only able to do  1 hour.  I was hoping to put in some hours this weekend but we had to do server maintenance for most of that day and I really wanted to watch our engineering team in action.  I was able to really put in some time to work on my pronunciation and grammar so it wasnt a complete waste. I realize that I need to put in some more time for next week.  I hope to do 5-6 hours to make up for lost time.  Thus far, at this halfway point  I’ve only completed 5 hours. That’s pretty good for me, but I got to step up in order to finish. So, I need schedule more lessons. One thing that I do have going for me is that I still get to practice speaking occasionally with my co-workers  and  friends. The duration of this practice is typically less than 1 hour/week so that sort of counts, doesnt it?  Im going to kick some butt for week 4!

Emras Algebra Help Guide - It Will Give You A Step By Step Guidance

Emras Algebra Help Guide - It Will Give You A Step By Step GuidanceMany people around the world use Emras algebra 1b online help guide to improve their algebra. The Emras algebra is a useful tool when it comes to improving your math skills. This is one of the most difficult subjects in school, which requires a lot of patience and concentration. So why not use this to help guide and improve your skills on this subject?With the help of this math, you will be able to learn various subjects of math like, algebra, geometry, probability, statistics, and others. You can also find other topics that can make you understand math better. There are different kinds of classes offered in school, but it's always better to go for the class with the best teacher that can help you improve your skills. By going through the online help guide, you will be able to study all the subjects without the need of the school library. So, this is the best way to improve your math skills.Mathematics have many myste ries to solve, and with the help of this online guide, you will be able to understand all the equations and problems presented in the books. So, if you are not studying in school, but are working hard, then you should start using this math to solve all the problems presented in school. The Emras algebra can help you learn various subject of math, like, calculus, fractions decimals, power series, calculus, polynomial calculus, integration, trigonometry, functions, linear equations, differential equations, etc.So, learning this kind of math has been made easier as the online help guide has made it very easy to study. So, instead of waiting for your math teacher, you can solve problems in your own time. The good thing about this is that, there are no longer any printed test that you have to pass.Online tutoring programs can make your education much easier. These programs provide you a step by step guidance on solving problems and are provided by certified teachers who are well experien ced in math. These teachers are well experienced in teaching the topics, which includes calculus, algebra, geometry, probability, statistics, and others.If you are having any problems while learning online math, you can contact your computer support specialist, who can solve all your problem. So, whether you are a student or a professional, the online math help guide will give you the desired result.However, it is important that you must have some dedication before going through the online math help guide. Learning online math is not an easy task, which will require a lot of time, effort, and concentration. However, once you are able to solve problems using the online math help guide, you will realize how much help it can give you. Also, the great thing about it is that, it is a free educational material which means that you can easily find the best program and the best math tutor.

Download a Lab Manual For General Organic and Biological Chemistry Online

Download a Lab Manual For General Organic and Biological Chemistry OnlineYou can download a lab manual for general organic and biological chemistry on the Internet in HTML format. This PDF lab manual includes all of the items you need to conduct a lab. You can download this lab manual for general organic and biological chemistry for free online. There are many benefits of downloading a lab manual for general organic and biological chemistry on the Internet.For one, you do not have to buy the laboratory supplies that the textbook says you need. You do not even have to go out and buy them when they become available in the stores. You can just take advantage of the Internet. The best part is that you can download this lab manual for general organic and biological chemistry on the Internet without ever having to leave your home or office. You do not even have to print a copy of the PDF lab manual.You can save so much money by downloading a lab manual for general organic and biological ch emistry on the Internet. What you will find is that the printable PDF lab manual costs more than the digital version.You will also find that it is easier to compare the various labs that you perform. You will be able to see what the lab manual says you need to do. For example, if you are only performing one chemical reaction and you do not know how to perform the lab, then you can use the printed book to guide you through the procedures. However, if you are performing multiple reactions, then you may want to download a lab manual for general organic and biological chemistry.A lab manual for general organic and biological chemistry is important for many reasons. One of these reasons is that this book is a basic introduction to laboratory methods. It will teach you everything you need to know to perform every reaction that you do.A lab manual for general organic and biological chemistry is also very handy for those who want to perform a variety of reactions. This book gives you all of the instructions you need to perform the various reaction that you may be interested in.Although you do not have to pay for the lab manual for general organic and biological chemistry, it is better to make sure that you do get one because you will never know when you will need it. There are a lot of websites that offer free download of a lab manual for general organic and biological chemistry. Be sure to check out all of the sites that offer these lab manuals for free before deciding which one to download.